
Parallel NetCDF String

The default makefile in ${CIMEROOT}/scripts/Tools/Makefile has a hard-wired compiler flag to link the parallel NetCDF library in it, of the form -lpnetcdf. This works for the parallel_netcdf library since the static library is:


However, the netcdf-hdf5parallel library has a compiler flag of the form -lnetcdff_parallel since the static library is:


I attempted to rewrite the compiler link flag in ${CIMEROOT}/scripts/Tools/Makefile but perhaps did not rewrite the flag correctly.

Instructions Regarding Macros.make

Brian Dobbins suggests:

You should just be able to modify (as a test) the Macros.make file in a case directory and add something like:

SLIBS += -lnetcdf_parallel

That should let it find that library (though it might complain if SLIBS already has -lpnetcdf in it and it can’t find that one, in which case you can do:

SLIBS := -lnetcdf_parallel

You might need to add other things, like the math libraries or NetCDF libraries, too. For example, on the cloud config, I use:

SLIBS := -lalapack -lblas -lnetcdf -lpnetcdf

Attempting to Build a Case Using Macros.make

We’ll try to build a case using Brian’s instructions. The first step is editing config_machines.xml.


$ vim /lustre/project/k1421/cesm2_1_3/cime/config/cesm/machines/config_machines.xml

Edit the module loaded when the mpi library is not mpi-serial.

<modules mpilib="!mpi-serial">
   <command name="load">cray-netcdf-hdf5parallel/</command>
   <env name="PNETCDF_PATH">/opt/cray/pe/netcdf-hdf5parallel/</env>

Again, if we examine the parallel netCDF libraries:

$ ls /opt/cray/pe/netcdf-hdf5parallel/

We see that the linker flag should be -lnetcdff_parallel.

Setup Case

We’re trying to follow Brian Dobbins’ instructions about using Macros.make to change the compiler flags in order to use a different parallel netCDF library.

$ source activate py27
$ cd /lustre/project/k1421/cesm2_1_3/cime/scripts/
$ ./create_newcase --case /lustre/project/k1421/cases/FHIST.f09_f09_mg17.001 --compset FHIST --res f09_f09_mg17 --machine shaheen --project k1421 --run-unsupported --ninst 3 --multi-driver --walltime 2:00:00
Creating Case directory /lustre/project/k1421/cases/FHIST.f09_f09_mg17.001
$ cd /lustre/project/k1421/cases/FHIST.f09_f09_mg17.001
$ ./case.setup

Edit Macros.make

After case.setup is run the Macros.make file is available in the $CASEROOT directory. According to the instructions from Brian reposted above, we should edit the Macros.make to add the -lnetcdff_parallel flag:

ifeq ($(MPILIB),mvapich2)
  SLIBS := $(SLIBS)  -lnetcdff_parallel -mkl=cluster
ifeq ($(MPILIB),mpich2)
  SLIBS := $(SLIBS)  -lnetcdff_parallel -mkl=cluster
ifeq ($(MPILIB),mpt)
  SLIBS := $(SLIBS)  -lnetcdff_parallel -mkl=cluster
ifeq ($(MPILIB),openmpi)
  SLIBS := $(SLIBS)  -lnetcdff_parallel -mkl=cluster
ifeq ($(MPILIB),mpich)
  SLIBS := $(SLIBS)  -lnetcdff_parallel -mkl=cluster
ifeq ($(MPILIB),mvapich)
  SLIBS := $(SLIBS)  -lnetcdff_parallel -mkl=cluster
ifeq ($(MPILIB),impi)
  SLIBS := $(SLIBS)  -lnetcdff_parallel -mkl=cluster

After editing Macros.make we attempt to build the case:

ERROR: /lustre/project/k1421/cesm2_1_3/cime/src/build_scripts/buildlib.pio
FAILED, cat /lustre/scratch/x_johnsobk/FHIST.f09_f09_mg17.001/bld/pio.bldlog.210106-234616
cat /lustre/scratch/x_johnsobk/FHIST.f09_f09_mg17.001/bld/pio.bldlog.210106-234616


In spite of following the instructions, this procedure still results in the same error that we arrived at while attempting to edit the Makefile directly. Here we reprint the relevant section of /lustre/scratch/x_johnsobk/FHIST.f09_f09_mg17.001/bld/pio.bldlog.210106-234616:

Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
See also "/lustre/scratch/x_johnsobk/FHIST.f09_f09_mg17.001/bld/intel/mpt/nodebug/nothreads/pio/pio1/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log".
gmake: Leaving directory '/lustre/scratch/x_johnsobk/FHIST.f09_f09_mg17.001/bld/intel/mpt/nodebug/nothreads/pio/pio1'
cat: Filepath: No such file or directory
cat: Srcfiles: No such file or directory
Building PIO with netcdf support
CMake Error at /sw/xc40cle7/cmake/3.13.4/sles15_gcc7.4.1/install/share/cmake-3.13/Modules/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:137 (message):
Could NOT find PnetCDF_Fortran (missing: PnetCDF_Fortran_LIBRARY