Generating the Initial Ensemble

In order to generate the initial 1000-member ensemble we will make infinitesmal perturbations to a single initial file from Kevin’s CAM reanalysis and then run the integration with filter and adaptive inflation to spread out the ensemble. Only the CAM initial files will be perturbed – the hope is that filter and adaptive inflation will adjust the remainder of the components.

Perturb Single Instance Program

The perturb_single_instance program in /lustre/project/k1421/DART/models/cam-fv/work will take a single initial file and then will perturb a field within it to generate an initial ensemble.

Files Needed

The program needs the following files in order to run:

  1. input.nml - This must contain the &perturb_single_instance_nml namelist with proper settings for the program to read.

  2. - A CAM initial file – not a restart file – since initial files contain the lev and T fields needed for perturbation.

  3. - A CAM file containing the PHIS, or surface geopotential field (m 2 /s 2 ), since surface geopotential is needed to compute potential temperature.

  4. (Optional) output_file_list.txt - A text file containing the names of the perturbed files to be created. These names can be provided in the output_files field of input.nml. However, since we want 1000 perturbed files it is easier to specify them in a seperate text file and setting the output_file_list field of input.nml.

Steps to Generate the Necessary Files

We create an empty directory in which to build our ensemble.

$ cd /lustre/scratch/x_johnsobk/archive/f.e21.FHIST_BGC.f09_025.CAM6assim.011/rest
$ mv  2019-08-05-00000 2019-08-05-00000-original
$ mkdir 2019-08-05-00000
$ cd 2019-08-05-00000


Then we copy perturb_single_instance from the model’s work directory.

$ cp /lustre/project/k1421/DART/models/cam-fv/work/perturb_single_instance ./


Then we start by configuring input.nml, which must contain the &perturb_single_instance_nml namelist in order for the program to work.

$ cp /lustre/project/k1421/DART/models/cam-fv/work/input.nml.original ./input.nml
$ vim input.nml

We configure the namelist so that the program builds a 1000-member ensemble, looks for an initial file known as and a text file containing the names of the desired output files known as output_file_list.txt.

   ens_size               = 1000
   input_files            = ''
   output_files           = ''
   output_file_list       = 'output_file_list.txt'
   perturbation_amplitude = 0.2

An additional file is also specified in the cam_phis_filename field of the &model_nml namelist.

   cam_template_filename       = ''
   cam_phis_filename           = ''

We copy one of the initial files from Kevin’s CAM reanalysis.

$ cp ../2019-08-05-00000-original/ ./

We need to transfer from Cheyenne.

$ sftp <user>
$ get /glade/scratch/raeder/f.e21.FHIST_BGC.f09_025.CAM6assim.011/run/


Then we write a short python script to generate a list of 1000 filenames to insert into output_file_list.txt.

$ vim

The script is very simple.

#!/usr/bin/env python

prefix = 'f.e21.FHIST_BGC.f09_025.CAM6assim.011.cam_'
suffix = ''

f = open('output_file_list.txt', 'w')

for iensemble in range(1, 1001):


When we run it, it generates output_file_list.txt.

$ python
$ ls -l output_file_list.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 x_johnsobk g-x_johnsobk 69000 Nov 24 20:18 output_file_list.txt

Running perturb_single_instance

Finally, with all of those files in place, we can run perturb_single_instance by first starting an interactive job on one of Shaheen’s compute nodes and then running the program.


Running perturb_single_instance on a login node on Shaheen will crash with an error similar to:

Fatal error in MPI_Init: Other MPI error, error stack:
MPID_Init(246).......: channel initialization failed
MPID_Init(647).......: PMI2 init failed: 1 libhugetlbfs

We use the jinter alias that we described in the Aliases section of the SLURM page to start an interactive job before running the program.

$ jinter
srun: job 16821392 queued and waiting for resources
srun: job 16821392 has been allocated resources
$ ./perturb_single_instance
Starting ... at YYYY MM DD HH MM SS =
                2020 11 24 21 54 27
Program perturb_single_instance
Finished ... at YYYY MM DD HH MM SS =
                2020 11 24 22  7 10
Program perturb_single_instance