Regression Tests

Building cprnc

In order for the regression tests to work, the cprnc tool (which is a truncation of the phrase “compare NetCDF”) must be built.

$ cd /lustre/project/k1421/cesm2_1_relsd_m5.6/cime/tools/cprnc
$ CIMEROOT=../.. ../configure --macros-format=Makefile --mpilib=mpi-serial
$ CIMEROOT=../.. source ./ && make

Edit config_machines.xml

Now we set the path to cprnc within config_machines.xml:

$ cd /lustre/project/k1421/CESM/cime/config/cesm/machines
$ vim config_machines.xml

Run the tests

$ cd /lustre/project/k1421/CESM/cime/scripts/tests
$ ./

It is unclear what constitutes a good result in a regression test. In this post by Zoe Gillett on the DiscussCESM bulletin boards a lot of the regression tests fail and Jim Edwards responds that, “If you are satisfied with the integrity of the experiments you want to run I think you can call this a good result.”