Case Timing Data


CIME uses the General Purpose Timing Library (GPTL) to provide detailed timing information.

Timing files are output to $CASEROOT/timing/$model_timing.$CASE.$datestamp.

The two areas we plan to focus on to increase the model performance is to understand the bottlenecks occuring during the Init Time phase of each job.

Does init time take longer for first job in hybrid run?

No. I suspected that the init time might take longer for the first submission of a given integration since there may be initialization tasks involved for a hybrid run in which continue_run = FALSE but this seems to be fals.

For the first submission of FHIST_BGC.f09_d025.052.e3 Init Time : 539.420 seconds while in the second submission Init Time: 562.777 seconds.

Major Issue: Init Time

It’s unclear how to disassemble the Init Time statistic to determine what is causing the initialization to be so slow.

$ cd /lustre/project/k1421/cesm2_1_3/cime
$ grep -Rl "Init Time" ./

It looks like is the best candidate to look through for the relevant code:

nmax  = self.gettime(' CPL:INIT ')[1]
self.write("    Init Time   :  {:10.3f} seconds \n".format(nmax))

Previously Encountered Problem

In _create_component_modelio_namelists


This is the file to look in to see what is taking so long. /lustre/scratch/x_johnsobk/FHIST_BGC.f09_d025.095.e500/run/cpl_0229.log.17860564.201220-165938.gz