One of the CAM assimilation scripts used in the experiment uses nco:


It uses ncgen (which is already available on Shaheen II) and ncks:

994    ncgen -k netCDF-4 -o ${CASE}.dart.r.${scomp}.${ATM_DATE_EXT}.nc inf_restart_list.cdl
1000   module load nco
1019   ncks -O -v $vars[$c] $f ../run_shadow/$f

After the 25 January 2022 software update, the nco installation no longer worked, with the error message:


nco: This library has not been built for this programming environment… please switch to GNU or Intel programming environment first with the command (PrgEnv-intel).

This error message gets printed even if PrgEnv-intel is loaded.

It is possible to use Conda to install nco:

source acivate py27
conda install -c conda-forge nco